c l i n t k i l m e r - web design portfolio http://portfolio.clintkilmer.com/ Clint Kilmer http://clintkilmer.com/ Portfolio of Clint Kilmer. A Web Designer and Developer located in Calgary, AB, Canada. PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Freelance, Web, Design, Designer, Developer, Programmer, Coder, Clint Kilmer, Portfolio, Calgary, AB, Alberta, Canada Web Design & Development Portfolio - Clint Kilmer Yes 1 Personal Blog Photo Blog about my travels in Japan Clint Kilmer http://portfolio.clintkilmer.com/?post=1 http://japanblog.clintkilmer.com/

This is a data-driven dynamic photo blog that I designed. Completely written from scratch, line by line.

Some of the technologies I used are: HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, TweenMax, JSON, XML, and DOM.


This is a data-driven dynamic photo blog that I designed. Completely written from scratch, line by line.

Some of the technologies I used are: HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, TweenMax, JSON, XML, and DOM.


My Japan Photo Blog.

]]> 17 September 2013 00:00:00 -0700
Yes 2 Band Website Official website of the band Maglor Clint Kilmer http://portfolio.clintkilmer.com/?post=2 http://maglor.net/

This is a data-driven dynamic band website that I designed. Completely written from scratch, line by line.

Some of the technologies I used are: HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, XML, and DOM.


This is a data-driven dynamic band website that I designed. Completely written from scratch, line by line.

Some of the technologies I used are: HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, XML, and DOM.


Official Maglor band website.

]]> 17 September 2013 00:00:00 -0700
Yes 3 Band Website Official website of the band Eldensky Clint Kilmer http://portfolio.clintkilmer.com/?post=3 http://eldensky.com/

This is a wordpress band website that I set up for a friend.


This is a wordpress band website that I set up for a friend.


Official Eldensky band website.

]]> 17 September 2013 00:00:00 -0700